Carol is available for speaking engagements.  Feel free to contact her at


Upcoming Presentations

  1. Values Voter Summit, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC, Sept. 18-20, 2009
  2. Pennsylvania Pro-Life Conference, Scranton, PA, October 24, 2009


Previous Presentations

  1. Southampton, England                                                                                                
  2. Las Vegas, NV
  3. University of Nevada at Las Vegas
  4. Austin, TX
  5. Washington, DC -Senators and Representatives of the House
  6. Washington, DC -Heritage Foundation
  7. Washington, DC
  8. Annapolis, MD -Senate Commission
  9. Albany, NY -Assemblymen
  10. Sayre, PA -Rotary Club
  11. Owego, NY
  12. Apalachin Lions Club, Apalachin, NY
  13. Watertown, NY (for the Diocese of Ogdensburg)
  14. Plattsburgh, NY (for the Diocese of Ogdensburg)
  15. Rochester, NY -Right to Life
  16. Waverly, NY -St. James Church
  17. Newark Valley, NY -St. John’s Church
  18. Catatonk, NY -St. Francis Catholic Church
  19. Kansas City, MO -National Right to Life Convention
  20. Crystal City, VA -Conference of Catholic Bishops
  21. Johnson City, NY –Rotary Club
  22. Owego, NY -Gospel Church Women’s Group
  23. Georgetown, TX -St. Helen’s Church
  24. The Washington, DC Briefing Values Voter Summit 2007
  25. Binghamton, NY  Binghamton Seratoma Club
  26. Warren Center, PA  Warren Center Senior Center
  27. Deposit, NY - Rotary Club
  28. Malone, NY – Malone Catholic Parishes
  29. Endwell, NY - Our Lady of Angels
  30. Livonia, MI –Right to Life  – Lifespan
  31. Stephenville, TX -Rocky Point Baptist Church
  32. Salado, TX -St. Stephens Church
  33. Waco, TX -St. Mary’s Parish Hall
  34. Las Vegas, NV  -Bishop Gorman HS
  35. Washington, DC –House of Representatives Subcommittee, Health, Energy and Commerce, STEM CELL SCIENCE: The Foundation of Future Cures
  36. Newark Valley, NY –NY Senior Citizens
  37. Owego, NY –Strawberry Festival Parade (Along with 5 other Adult Stem Cell Survivors, passing out flyers)
  38. Crystal City, VA –National Right to Life Convention
  39. Owego, NYTioga County Fair Adult Stem Cell Survivors Booth
  40. Endwell, NY –American Business Women’s Association
  41. Washington, DC –Values Voter Summit (YouTube interview from the Summit)
  42. Norcross, GA –Coalition for Moral Cancer Research
  43. Louisville, KY -Kentucky Right to Life
  44. Endicott, NY - Women’s Club of Endicott
  45. Charlotte, NC - National Right to Life Convention


Previous Interviews

  1. Ohio EWTN Radio Station
  2. Sirius Satellite Radio, New York City, NY
  3. Channel 34 TV News, Binghamton, NY
  4. Channel 12 News from DC on June 20, 2007
  5. Access Channel TV in Rochester, NY
  6. All major networks and C-Span when Carol appeared at the White House with President G.W. Bush on June 20, 2007.
  7. The Gift of Life (Immaculate Heart Radio, December 7th & 8th, archived at


Print articles/interviews/story

       l.   Sayre, PA Morning Times

       2. Binghamton, NY Press & Sun-Bulletin

       3. Tioga County Courier, Owego NY

       4. Pennysaver-Press, Owego, NY

       5. Rochester Catholic Courier, Rochester, NY

       6. Austin, TX Catholic Spirit

       7.  National Right to Life Magazine July 2007

       8. North Country Catholic Magazine, Ogdensburg Diocese 2007

       9. NYS Life Works News Letter Publication Aug. 2007

     10. Concerned Women of America, 2007

     11. Ecumenical News-Institute on Religion and Democracy, 2007

     12. Deficit Shadows 2007 Legislative Agenda MD (my photo)

     13. Parliament of New South Wales, Australia on 19 June 2007 The Honorable Matthew Mason-Cox during Debate on Human Cloning and Other Prohibited Practices Amendment Bill 2007

     14. Catholic Pro-Life Committee Crystal City, VA August 6, 2007

     15. Georgia Congressman, Phil Gingery’s Report  May 11, 2007 (my photo)



Carol’s Story   Adult Stem Cell Research Information & Updates  Links to Adult Stem Cell sites


Contact Carol or Order Her Book  Home Page  Carol at the White House